Storyteller John Weaver
Storyteller John Weaver
Legends & Laughter for All Ages
Legends & Laughter for All Ages
(--on-site, or online!)

Catch the Stories!
Catch the Stories!
Available for storytelling, "storytiming," read-aloud coaching, and more!
storytellerjohnweaver (at) yahoo (etc.)

Entertain, Educate, Enrich, Inspire!

Big dreams, magical wishes, tall tales, daunting challenges, amazing transformations, adventure & hilarious outcomes: anything can happen in the world Traditional-style storytelling has the power to create unique images in the mind of each listener, entertaining & inspiring in a most special way.

Parents & educators call Storyteller John Weaver's performances "delightful," "fantastic," and "terrific & engaging!"

Discover why children & families at libraries, schools, museums, zoos, special events, entertainment destinations & ALL OVER delight to lively and animated sharing of tales old & new.
Traditional storytelling gets a jolt of fresh energy in small & large group activities for young & old alike: performance, special events, classes, enrichment & more!
Host an event with Storyteller John Weaver: entertain groups, reward students, support academic goals -- and HAVE FUN!

Performing throughout the San Francisco Bay Area
of California, and well beyond!